by Marianne Vernacchia on 04/11/20

The key to fighting off depression and anxiety is tuning into our thoughts and pinpointing negative beliefs, assumptions, or irrational thoughts.  These naturally increase when we feel frightened and during times of stress.  COVID-19 and SIP creates a hotbed for these kinds of thoughts.  There has been much loss, and this, in no way, is meant to minimize that.  But without the existence of darkness, we cannot recognize the light.  So, I offer the following to help counterbalance the darkness.




This leads to greater discovery?


We experience the peace that quiet can bring?


Our bodies get more rest?


We spend less?


We come to enjoy a slower pace of life?


We do more with our hands instead of our heads?


We hear the different songs that the birds sing outside?


We experience the tranquility and contentment of a quiet moment looking out the window?


We have time to get lost in thought?


A generation of children and teens understand more about the precariousness of life and suffering?


The sky becomes a deeper blue?


We learn more about our children or family?


We spend more time organizing our space and cooking more meals?


We take time to appreciate people are who work at the grocery, post office, empty our garbage, work at the hospital, and work at farms?


Our empathy for others grows?


We realize we are really more alike and connected than we thought we were?





© 2020, Marianne Vernacchia MA


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